What Time is the Debate? Stay Informed on the Upcoming Presidential Clashes - Lauren Lackey

What Time is the Debate? Stay Informed on the Upcoming Presidential Clashes

Presidential Debate Schedule

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What time is the debate – The 2023 presidential debates will be held between the Democratic and Republican candidates. The debates will be moderated by a panel of journalists and will focus on a range of issues, including the economy, healthcare, and foreign policy.

If you’re wondering what time the debate is tonight, you’re not alone. Many people are eager to tune in and hear what the candidates have to say. The debate is scheduled to start at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time. If you’re not sure what time that is in your time zone, you can check what time is the debate tonight to find out.

So, mark your calendars and set your alarms, because the debate is sure to be a lively one.

The schedule for the debates is as follows:

Dates and Locations

Date Time Location
September 29, 2023 9:00 PM ET University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana
October 15, 2023 9:00 PM ET Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri
October 22, 2023 9:00 PM ET Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York


The candidates who have qualified for the debates are:

  • Joe Biden (D)
  • Donald Trump (R)


The debates will be held in a town hall format, with the candidates answering questions from a panel of journalists and members of the audience. The debates will be divided into six segments, each of which will focus on a different topic.

The debate will begin at 9:00 PM Eastern Time on Thursday, October 13th. If you’re wondering what time is the presidential debate on thursday , mark your calendars for 9:00 PM Eastern Time. Remember, the debate will cover important topics that will impact our nation’s future, so make sure to tune in and stay informed.

Historical Debate Moments: What Time Is The Debate

What time is the debate

Presidential debates have been a significant part of the American political landscape for decades, providing a platform for candidates to engage in direct dialogue and present their views to the public. Over the years, there have been numerous memorable moments that have shaped the course of elections and left a lasting impact on American politics.

Lincoln-Douglas Debates

One of the most famous and consequential debate series in American history took place between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas in 1858. The seven debates, held across Illinois, focused on the issue of slavery and its expansion into new territories. Lincoln’s skillful use of logic and rhetoric, coupled with his unwavering commitment to the principle of equality, helped him win the Illinois Senate seat and set the stage for his eventual election as president in 1860.

Kennedy-Nixon Debates

The 1960 presidential debates between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon marked a turning point in American politics. Held in front of a national television audience, the debates gave Kennedy the opportunity to showcase his youthful charisma and intelligence, while Nixon appeared pale and ill-prepared. Kennedy’s strong performance in the debates is widely credited with helping him win the election by a narrow margin.

Carter-Reagan Debates

The 1980 presidential debates between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan highlighted the growing divide between the two major political parties. Reagan’s optimistic message of economic recovery and his ability to connect with voters on a personal level resonated with the American public, while Carter appeared defensive and out of touch. Reagan’s landslide victory in the election was in part due to his effective use of the debates to articulate his vision for the country.

Debate Preparation

What time is the debate

Preparing for a debate requires meticulous planning and execution. Candidates must approach the process strategically to maximize their impact and effectively convey their messages. Research, message development, practice, body language, and tone of voice are crucial elements that can determine the outcome of a debate.


Thorough research forms the foundation of effective debate preparation. Candidates must delve into the issues, gather relevant data, and study their opponents’ positions. This knowledge empowers them to articulate well-informed arguments, anticipate potential questions, and respond confidently to challenges.

Message Development

Crafting a clear and compelling message is essential for debate success. Candidates should define their core message, identify key talking points, and develop persuasive arguments that resonate with the audience. They must also anticipate potential counterarguments and prepare effective rebuttals.


Practice is indispensable for mastering debate skills. Candidates should engage in mock debates, role-playing exercises, and practice delivering their messages in front of an audience. This allows them to refine their delivery, improve their timing, and gain confidence in their ability to articulate their views effectively.

Body Language and Tone of Voice, What time is the debate

Nonverbal cues play a significant role in conveying a candidate’s credibility and persuasiveness. Candidates must maintain eye contact with the audience, use appropriate gestures, and project a confident and composed demeanor. Their tone of voice should be clear, engaging, and convey the desired emotions. By mastering these elements, candidates can enhance their impact and leave a lasting impression on the audience.

The presidential debate is scheduled to commence at a specific time. If you are curious to know the exact hour and minute, you can find the answer by clicking what time does the presidential debate start. This link will provide you with the precise information you seek, ensuring that you don’t miss a moment of the highly anticipated debate.

As the clock ticks closer to the highly anticipated debate, all eyes turn to the stage where history will unfold. Among the eager participants is the rising star, ariel atkins , whose eloquence and sharp intellect promise to captivate the audience.

As the tension mounts, the question lingers: what time will the debate commence? The answer remains tantalizingly close, leaving us on the edge of our seats.

The clock ticks down, anticipation hanging heavy in the air. The moment draws near, the stage set for the grand spectacle. The presidential debate this week promises a clash of wits, a battle of ideologies. But the question remains, what time will the sparks ignite?

The hour approaches, the nation waits with bated breath.

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